Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sleepless in Seattle???

You betcha because there are so many things to see and so little time to see them in. Yes, my friends, my bags are packed, I'm ready to go. Another rendevous with my favorite airline the in the whole wide world -- Southwest Airlines. (I'm also partial to my friends over at Continental).

Tonight, I leave for a three day weekend in the Emerald City visiting my friend, KB!! KB is such a gracious host and I'm looking forward to seeing "her world" for a couple days. She has got our agenda jam packed which plays well with my personality. Let's go, let's see, let's have a great time and maximize these three days.

A brief disclaimer from my tour guide: [the agenda] can be revised at your whim, but I hold ultimate line item veto power, this is not a democracy, this is a tour-ocracy and I'm the reigning tour-o-crat...Bottom line, get ready for a great adventure...I've kinda overpacked the agenda (emphasis added) don't be surprised if there isn't a checkmark by everything, that doesn't mean we won't still have the bestest weekend getaway ever.

Here are some of places we have on our agenda to visit along with a preview of my accomodations:

My accomodations -- Suite by the Sound -- Five star quality room complete with a FREE mini bar and welcome basket.

Additonally, my tour guide was gracious enough to schedule training time into my agenda so that I can stay on track. She even included some motivational quotes like "get up you lazy slacker" and "your competition is not on vacation" to push me through a couple weekend runs.

On top of all of this fun, I'm going to meet David and Christa -- two of KB's Seattle friends. IT WILL BE A BLAST!!!

Watch for updates and pictures throughout the trip.

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