Last night, I finished reading FISH -- a modern business parable set in Seattle and Pike Place Fish Market. The book outlines the principles that turned the Pike Place Fish Market from a normal marketplace into a world renown attraction. It is a short, fun read with several principles that you can apply to your daily life and the business world.
A couple takeaways from the book:
- Be Present -- I'm horrible at this. Sometimes I get involved in too many activities, spreading myself thin, and can't give my full and undivided attention to the activity I'm participating in. But I'm working on being present.
- You Choose Your Attitude -- Absolutely, I agree. Everyday I have a choice. What is my choice going to be? How am I going to serve the Lord? How will I bring excellence to everything I do throughout the day? Tough questions....if you really take time to think about them.
If you are looking for a quick read that will challenge you, I would suggest this book. You will not find anything groundbreaking, but it will reiterate some truths in a fun and entertaining way. I also suggest you visit Pike Place Market before reading the book -- it will make the book a lot more fun to read.
Thanks KB for the book!!
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