Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Escalating Excitement

I feel like a little child on Christmas Eve. I can't explain how excited I am right now. I'm less than 24 hours away from embarking on an adventure that I'm sure will drastically change the way I view life, others, and the world I live in. Here are a couple things I'm really looking forward to:
  1. Seeing Chad and Jill's faces when I arrive in Kenya on Friday
  2. Working at the children's orphanage and loving on some little Kenyan kidos
  3. White water rafting and the safari
  4. Being stretched and challenged throughout the entire trip
  5. Arriving back in the U.S. tired, changed, and ready to tell you all about my experience
I'm going to try to blog throughout the trip as much as I can. As you can imagine, Internet access is a little limited, but I'm going to do my best.

Looking forward to sharing this experience with you

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