Thursday, February 26, 2009

Keepin' the Journey in Focus and the Goal in Perspective

Yesterday, I felt overwhelmed with life. I had one of those days when I felt like life was demanding too much and I was unable to provide. As a guy with a type A personality, I've struggled with this feeling my entire life. It is not until I take a step back and put everything in perspective that I'm able to work through the issue by placing my complete reliance and trust in Christ.

Last night, the Lord used a friend of mine who encouraged me to stop, take a few steps back, reflect, then move forward and continue to hold the course. His encouragement, "it's more about the journey than the result." What a powerful statement. What a powerful testimony to the numerous friends and my phenomenal family who are walking through this journey with me.

I need to stop more often and make sure I'm keeping the journey in focus and goal in perspective. If not, I'm going to continue to carry unneccessary burdens that the Lord wants to carry for me.

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