Every Monday and Thursday, I take the Trinity Railway Express (TRE for short) from Arlington to downtown Dallas. When I first came to Dallas, I was traveling from Keller to Arlington, Arlington to Dallas, and then Dallas back to Keller. If you are not sure where each of those cities are located on a map -- they are pretty far apart and the gas alone was killing my budget. So I decided to look for ways to be more frugal and discovered the TRE.
The TRE is equipped with free wireless Internet which is great because I can get a jump start on work, check e-mail, and even blog from time to time while I'm in route. Additionally, I'm saving a lot of money since my company is paying for my train ticket and I'm not using all of that gas.
One thing I've learned since going back to school is that you will find any and every way to save a little bit of money when you are paying for school and living on a student salary. You also start developing some good spending to saving habiats which I hope to carry forward once I get out of school.
So if you see a blog post pop up in the middle of the day during the week, it might be while I'm traveling from Arlington to Dallas via the TRE.
Happy Monday!
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