Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dumpster Diving -- Being Resourceful

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm moving back to the home state in August. And any great move involves BOXES -- and lots of them. I was checking the local UHaul and Public Storage locations last week for prices on boxes. Holy heart failure, Batman! Are those babies made of gold?

This week a friend told me about all of "BIG BOX" stores in the area and the plethora of boxes that they throw out on a daily basis. My first stop was Costco, which didn't disappoint. I may be able to get all of my shoes in one of those bad, mamma jamma boxes; however, it will be close. I then moved on to Linens and Things. Don't laugh -- they've got nice clean boxes. And this is where I found the mother load of all things cardboard boxes. They had every shape and size imaginable. I raided the dumpster and filled my car up as much as possible and headed home.

Now, instead of spending half of my life savings on boxes, I got all of them for free. Ohhh....the joys of learning how to live on a student salary. And please, don't call me a "tight wad." I'm resourceful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I prefer to think of it as good stewardship.