Friday, March 28, 2008

Through the eyes of a child....

Sometimes I wish I saw life through the lens of a child. I love being around children, in particular teenagers (I me crazy!!). I talk a lot about my involvment in YoungLife and coaching Little League baseball. Because of these experiences, I have the chance to escape my "grown up" world of Blackberries, weekly status meetings, busines trips, starched dress shirts and ironed slacks. Don't get me wrong, being a grown up has it advantages and I need to make some money so that I can be responsible and pay my rent. But I'm often stopped dead in my tracks by the kids in my life and challenged to take a look at life through their eyes.

Here is an example from this week:

An exchange with one of my baseball players (age 8) after the game - Please keep in mind our team got beat badly (11-2) on Wednesday after our first victory on Tuesday.

G: "Did we win Coach B?"
Me: "No, G, we came up a little short."
G: "Coach B?"
Me: "Yes, G."
G: "Do we still get tickets (basically money) for the snack stand?"

He was not playing to win a world championship at age 8. All he wanted to do is play the game to the best of his ability knowing there was a "treat" to look forward to in the end.

What if I/we approached life like that? What if we lived knowing there was a "treat" at the end -- spending eternity with our Heavenly Father?

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