Jay Hardwick's post in his Friday Five reminded me of a great college memory. I don't think it was my greatest moment, it was probably my most devious. After Easter one year, me and some buddies went down to the local Wal Mart and stocked up on boxes of Peeps. At the time, we were engaged in a practial joke war with some other friends and Peeps were the best ammunition for our next strike. They put those babies on sale for next to nothing ($.25 per box). They are practically trying to give away pure sugar to the lowest bidder. We bought about 20 boxes (80 individual peeps total), threw down our $5 (we were poor college students), and set out to complete our mission. Our mission you ask? Light the bottoms of all 80 Peeps on fire, melting the marshmellow inner layer, and plaster them to our friends' door. If you have ever melted marshmellows and sugar together before you know its not pretty. When our friends pull the Peeps off the door, the little marshmellow spots remained -- hence, the prank of "Peeping someone's door." I can promise your friends will never try a practical joke on you again if you pull this one out of your pocket.
DISCLAIMER: The door mentioned in the previous blog post was not ruined and easily cleaned off with some soap and intense scrubbing. The author of "Running the Race" is not liable if any reader decides to employ this technique on their favorite friend. :)