Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rescuing Running the Race

Either my blog flat lined or it was just on life support? In any event, I'm back after a long, long absence. What have I been doing for a whole month? If I could sum it all up in one sentence, I'd say -- "I've been doing lots of things I enjoy." I've celebrated Christmas with my family, held my niece and changed her stinky diapers, schooled my niece in Guitar Hero, rung in the New Year with friends, worked at the physical therapy clinic, volunteered at a children's hospital in DFW, visited my best friend and his wife in the Hill Country, started a new semester at school, received a brand new computer, celebrated my cousin's birthday, had lunch with one of my old YoungLife kids, and ran a marathon.

It was a great Christmas break, but I'm glad to be getting back into a routine. I just finished a planning session which I'm sure will continue for the remainder of the week as I attempt to get organized for the semester.

Ohh....and since I mentioned it first on this blog, I thought I might give you an update on the marathon. It was an absolute blast! I had four very special people supporting me, cheering for me, and even running with me last weekend. Thank you - Mike and Karee and Justin and Jennifer!! I finished the race in 3 hours and 30 minutes. The time was not good enough for Boston, but my time was 15 minutes faster than my previous best in the marathon. I'm planning a special post on my experience for later this week. Check back for full coverage and some pictures.

Looking forward to the year -- and have some great conversations on this blog!!

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