Thursday, October 22, 2009

When life is interrupted.... do you respond? I think it's hard to answer that question until the moment comes. There is no preparation and there is no practice. So when someone or something throws a kink in your best laid plans, how do you react?

My story started about two weeks ago when I was heading to my first PT school interview at a school in Dallas. I got up early to make sure I had time to take a shower, enjoy my morning cup of joe, and eat a good breakfast. I left the house 2 hours prior to my interview in order to allow enough time to get to the school, settle down at a local Starbucks, and relax prior to my interview.

Well, things didn't exactly work out as planned. Yes, I did leave the house 2 hours early, but the weather was so nasty that it took me 1 1/2 hours to drive to Dallas, a drive that normally takes 30 minutes. However, I was not stressing out because I still had 30 minutes to spare. Then, life took a turn for the worst.

As I was sitting at a red light, I noticed an empty lane to my left and decided The Menace (my car) needed to be in that lane instead of the one I was currently in. Just about the time I made my move to the left hand lane, a car traveling about 30-40 mph collided with the front end of my car.

Houston, we have a problem.

I'm only 5 miles from the school, but now I've got to sort out this wreck, stand in the driving rain in my suit, and somehow pull myself together and get to my interview in less than 30 minutes. My initial reaction was one of pure disbelief. These things happen to other people, not me. Reality soon kicked in and forced me to deal with the situation. I had been waiting more than a year for this moment and now I felt like it was all going down the drain. But I had to trust the Lord had everything under control. Thankfully, we were able to sort out the wreck, exchange insurance, and I arrived at my interview 5 minutes ahead of time composed and collected.

Right now, I'm not sure if this story has the ending I intended when I left my house that Friday morning. But one thing I am sure of is that the Lord is concerned about every detail of our lives -- from the smallest issues to the biggest decisions -- and I'm confident if you view life through that lens you will react differently when life is interrupted.

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